Featured Employer Special $895
- Online 30 day posting on our career center.
- Also posted at indeed.com.
- Listed in feature job section of main page of The Nonprofit Job Seeker.
- 30-day banner ad on The Nonprofit Job Seeker, site-wide.
- Job tweeted to @nptjobs & @Nonprofittimes Twitter list 3x each.
- All ads are automatically posted to our Facebook career center page.
- Job listed in the digital and print editions of The NonProfit Times.
- Posting on this blog.
- Banner ad on NPT Jobs eNewsletter.
- BONUS: Ad will be posted in the Job of The Week section in our weekly eNewsletter.
Interested in taking advantage of this opportunity? Register to post on our site, and then contact Janice Freedman at 973-401-0202 x.219 or by e-mail at janice@nptimes.com.