
Friday, January 27, 2012

Manassas City Council Stands By Nonprofit Funding Method

Despite a push for change, the Manassas City Councils has decided to stick with its current method of funding nonprofit and arts groups.

The Washington Post reported yesterday that the Council voted unanimously to keep its current funding method rather than switch to another that is used in Prince William County.  That system appoints a citizen panel to make recommendations on which nonprofit groups to fund and how much.  It has been under fire by groups like the Prince William County Symphony, whose members say too much money has gone towards the Manassas Ballet ($1.6 million since fiscal year 2005).  One of the biggest advocates for changing the current system is Council member Mark D. Wolfe (R) whose wife, Amy, is the ballet's artistic director.  Wolfe abstained from the vote given his relationship to the ballet.

The city decided to keep the current system in part because it believes taxpayer money should be handled by the Council.  The current funding system in Manassas appoints a subcommittee of council members who make recommendations to the City Council on which nonprofits should receive support.  One change was made, however: The subcommittee will now have only two council members, instead of the usual three.

You can read more about this story in The Washington Post.

1 comment:

D.Rolman said...

If The City of Manassas stands behind its arts funding process, will it also stand by its own members who are embezzling funds into arts organizations they stand on boards with? Will they not investigate and indict corrupt members who use those funds to their own personal gain, indenture foreign nationals through INS manipulations, launder money into off-shore accounts and/or to support other for-profit businesses? Will they not eject and prosecute criminals within their own ranks, simply because these members are strong-arming them? Methinks "something is rotten in the state of Denmark!"