
Monday, January 7, 2008

Fundraising ... 10 ideas for making the ask

Ten is such a nice, round number. It's everywhere: The 10 Commandments. David Letterman's nightly Top 10 lists. How many fingers? Toes? And how high does volume go? That's right, 10.

In her book, "The Ask: How to Ask Anyone for Any Amount for any Purpose," Laura Fredricks presents "The 10 Guiding Principles For Any Ask."
Using the guiding principles as a "road map" for all your asks, she wrote, will make you "ready, focused, and energized to ask for gifts in your own winning style."

The 10 Guiding Principles For Any Ask:

  • The more personal and sincere you are with the people you are cultivating, the quicker you will be able to make the ask.
  • Every prospect must be treated separately and distinctly.
  • Anyone asking for a gift must first make his or her own gift.
  • Ask for a specific amount for a specific purpose.
  • Consistent givers can and will make larger gifts.
  • Always use we instead of I in any ask because that connotes that the ask is being done with all the strength and backing of the organization.
  • Any organization's planned giving program must be coordinated with all other fundraising programs.
  • Every campaign prospect must be asked for as specific amount, with guidelines on how to fund the gift and with a proposed time frame.
  • At the initial ask, stay committed to the ask amount.
  • The ask without the follow-through will result in no gift.


Unknown said...

Internet auctions' potential to reach a vast and diverse audience is a colossal advantage; Internet auctions can be accessed by huge numbers of people from all corners of the globe. This is in stark contrast to offline fundraising events, whose attendance is very limited by geography. The larger the number of participants in an auction, the higher the prices that items are likely to sell for.

online fundraising website

Unknown said...

This is in stark complexity to disconnected from the net raising support occasions, whose participation is extremely constrained by geology crowdfunding platform .