If you aren't using Facebook to bring volunteers to your organization, you are missing out on a key recruitment tool. So how do you do it? Let's just say it's a little more complicated than posting a status update that reads "We need volunteers." Here are five ways to effectively use Facebook as a volunteer recruitment tool:
- First of all, you need to make sure the people you want to reach are even using Facebook. The site usually attracts a younger audience so if that's not the demographic you want, then it probably doesn't make sense to use it extensively.
- Think about the kind of posts that will attract volunteers. Avoid direct appeals in favor of photos, videos, or recaps of past volunteer events. These serve a dual purpose: They recognize past workers while showing potential volunteers what they can expect if they work for you.
- Make sure you're attracting the right people—if there's a minimum age or some other qualification, make that clear in your posts.
- Offer a diverse array of volunteer opportunities, and make sure to have rock-solid practices for training your volunteers. In short, prepare your organization for volunteers as best you can—and then begin recruiting on Facebook.
- Maintain good general Facebook practices, and make sure all the other groundwork -- from your organization’s main website to volunteer management guidelines and processes to a policy for Facebook commenting -- is in place.
Now that you have these best practices in mind, you are ready to start posting. Let us know your experiences with using Facebook as a recruitment tool in the comments section.
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